CSP posses 8 full time staff and one volunteer who are employed as a professional staff in different categories of the organization. However, among them 3 posses masters degree in the areas of governance, development studies as well as Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning from reputable universities. The reaming staff are graduates in different areas of their specialization. Generally, all staff have significant experience in working for NGO’s and specifically donor for funded NGO’s. They all have basic experience as they were employed with other NGO’s before joining CSP. Specifically, an accountant and MEL officers are competent in their positions as they perform their tasks by using different tools and software packages which increase accuracy and efficiency and reduces risks including financial packages and MEL packages as advanced quick book, pastel, ODK, logo alto etc. Two of the staffs are professionally experienced in policy advocacy and public resources governance. They have more than 7 years working in different interventions in different organizations in areas of policy advocacy, public resources governance majoring in accountability and responsibility for policy makers and duty bearers in proper public resources management.