

Nutrition Program

The overall Goal of the program is to improve the nutritional status of children, pregnant and lactating women in Tanzania, with specific focus on reducing maternal anemia and child stunting. The program currently is implemented in Babati town and district councils.

Transforming traditional socio-cultural barriers to end FGM in Manyara

Civic Social protection Foundation being an organization working towards marginalized groups, in partnership with Legal Service Facility is implementing an initiative which targets at reducing FGM practices in Manyara region. Manyara region being a leading region in Tanzania (58%) towards practicing FGM, through this initiatives children’s, girls and women will regain their dignity and their human rights will be protected and hence contribute to their social wellbeing.

This is a one-year project which is implemented in one of the FGM leading districts – Hanang’ district. The project is expected to reach women, youth, children, traditional and religious leaders who are important stakeholders of the project in question.

Enhanced capacity for district paralegal units.

CSP in partnership with Legal Service Facility towards capacitating District paralegal units to improve their capacity in providing legal education and legal aid to communities. The partnership requires CSP to empower 6 paralegal units in 5 districts in the region to increase the quality, capacity and sustainability of district paralegal units in providing legal aid and legal education to citizens.

Youth Employment Opportunities.

Towards the end of 2016, CSP entered into partnership with SNV Tanzania to implement the Youth Employment Opportunities (OYE) project in Manyara region. The project aims at facilitating youth to create employment through locally available resources and opportunities in the Agriculture, Water and Sanitation and renewable energy. Currently CSP has recruited and supported about 600 youth to employ themselves in Agriculture and Livestock market chain and in the solar technician.

This is a project that aims at strengthening capacity and sustainability of paralegal units in Manyara region. High percentage of population that resides in Manyara region are pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and hunters and gatherers who in nature still holds and practice strong culture and traditions which prompts actions that promotes violation of human rights.

The most widespread human rights violations are related to land and gender -based violence including domestic violence and FGM. On the other hand, village women and some men have limited capacity to stand and defend their legal and human rights such as matrimonial, right to own property and access land. Therefore, the project targets at enhancing capacities of paralegals to render quality legal services to community to ensure justice to every problem which occurs at community level.

The Mwanzo Bora Nutrition Program (MBNP) is a USAID-supported program through Feed the Future (FtF), Global Health Initiatives (GHI) and Africare Tanzania.  MBNP is designed to support the Government of Tanzania’s (GoT) goal to bring about significant and measurable changes in the nutritional status of Tanzanian people through the implementation of the National Nutrition Strategy, the Tanzania Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plan (TAFSIP), and other relevant policies and strategies.

Young people will change the world. Yet in nearly every society, they are an untapped asset. Today more than 50% of the global population is under 25, that is 3.5 billion young people! Young Africans are more literate than their parents’ generation, yet more likely to be un-employed. The biggest youth population rises are expected in the Global South.

According to the nature of society that resides in Manyara region, mostly being pastoralist, agro pastoralist and peasants there has been quite spread of human right violations  in different aspects that undermines realization of peoples human rights and capacity. The most widespread human rights problem s in the region are land and gender -based violence including domestic violence and female genital mutilation/cutting FGM.