MACSNET in collaboration with SNV is facilitating the Opportunity for Youth Employment (OYE) project in Mbulu TC and Mbulu DC. Opportunities for Youth Employment is a project which is implemented in collaboration between SNV Tanzania and MACSNET which provides out-of-school rural youth (18 – 30 years) with vital employment skills through training including basic life skills, technical training, business development and financial literacy. The programme facilitates internships, on-the-job-training opportunities, and placements in private and public enterprises in the renewable energy and agribusiness and Wash sectors. It promotes the establishment of new youth led enterprises by connecting youth to financial institutions and ensuring that young entrepreneurs benefit from continued business coaching and peer-to-peer learning. The anticipated impact of the project is ambitious, with a projected 370 disadvantaged young from Mbulu District set to improve their livelihoods by means of (self-) employment and the establishment of new youth led enterprises in water and sanitation(WASH), Renewable Energy (RE) and Agro business sectors.
Hence, from 28 September to 01 October 2017, a total of 237 youth from Mbulu District were trained in basic life skills during which 237(M 145 F 92) got skills in entrepreneurship, self-awareness, saving, goal setting, marketing, leadership especially in groups and work plan just to mention a few. The training is a second cohort where by the first was conducted in March 2017, which aimed at raising youth self-awareness and prepare them to engage strategically in entrepreneurship. By skills gained through BLS training, youth can understand their position and responsibilities from family to national level where by they can effectively participate in production and socio political activities confidently.
What is the headline? Africare Tanzania being the Donor and primary stakeholder for MBNP has in its plan quarterly and annual review meetings where all implementing CSOs (country wide) get invited and merge together for learning and sharing purposes from the project implementation. The review meetings intends to draw critical program results generated from the implementation By CSOs across districts. Therefore during the Annual Review meeting held in August 2017in Morogoro, for the same purposes MACSNET shared a Video portraying a success story that managed to draw participant’s attention in the meeting which at last scored the first winner in the success story competition. The presented Success story, according to Africare views :was well documented and presented all behavioral change elements advocated for by the program” The video therefore; Portrayed Male engagement and involvement in child caring, diet diversification i.e presence and consumption of both vegetables and small livestock products (rabbits &pigeon) as well as best practices in home garden preparation. In addtion the baby was very energetic and healthy. (Backgroup photo is the group photo: MACSNET staffs, Manyara Region Nutrition Officer, Planning Officer, and Africare Deputy Chief of party collectively handling a winning certificate).